
NYC Bird Alliance produces two regular newsletters. The Urban Audubon, our print glossy publication (also available in digital format), is produced three times per year and is available to current NYC Bird Alliance members. In addition, we produce an eNewsletter, The eGret, that is sent monthly to members and anyone who is interested in staying abreast of NYC Bird Alliance events and programs.

If you'd like to subscribe to the eGret eNewsletter, please enter your email address at the bottom of this page. To receive The Urban Audubon, join our flock and become a member of NYC Bird Alliance. 

Learn more about our publications below. 
Winter 2020-2021 Urban Audubon Cover featuring Pileated Woodpeckers photograph by José R. Ramírez-Garofalo
Winter 2020-2021 Urban Audubon Cover featuring Pileated Woodpeckers photograph by José R. Ramírez-Garofalo
The Urban Audubon
Our glossy print publication (formerly known as The Urban Audubon and soon to be renamed) is mailed to NYC Bird Alliance members three times a year. It connects readers with the latest news on our organization’s activities and events, explores interesting topics in New York City birding and environmental conservation, profiles bird species and their habitat in the NYC Area, and provides critical information members can use to help our conservation efforts—from using bird-friendly glass to protecting our natural areas. View the latest issue online and an archive of previous issues.
Learn More
Great eGret. Photo: Steve Nanz
Great eGret. Photo: Steve Nanz
Email News Updates
Stay up-to-date on NYC Bird Alliance events, updates on our science and advocacy efforts, birding news, and conservation issues in New York City by subscribing to email news updates. Provide your email address below to receive our eGret eNewsletter—delivered to your inbox once a month—and occasional, specific email updates. 
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