Introducing Our Fresh New Look
category: GENERAL

Andrew Maas | December 12, 2020:
To wrap up our 40th anniversary year, we have reinvigorated our logo and style to better reflect all the habitat we protect and create in New York City. Our founding members began by opposing a destructive “restoration” plan of the Central Park Ramble in 1979—and in the ensuing decades, we’ve worked to protect open land around Jamaica Bay, grassland habitat in Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field, and the wild Harbor Heron islands. Today we’re spurring the creation of green roofs in all five boroughs and studying their importance as habitat. NYC Bird Alliance is dedicated to making the City greener and more welcoming to birds and all wildlife.
To wrap up our 40th anniversary year, we have reinvigorated our logo and style to better reflect all the habitat we protect and create in New York City. Our founding members began by opposing a destructive “restoration” plan of the Central Park Ramble in 1979—and in the ensuing decades, we’ve worked to protect open land around Jamaica Bay, grassland habitat in Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field, and the wild Harbor Heron islands. Today we’re spurring the creation of green roofs in all five boroughs and studying their importance as habitat. NYC Bird Alliance is dedicated to making the City greener and more welcoming to birds and all wildlife.
Executed by the talented team at reitdesign, our refreshed logo offers a view into a greener New York City, highlighting the City’s grassy and forested areas and incredible shorefront—with our mascot, the American Kestrel, soaring above. We hope our new look encourages New Yorkers across the five boroughs to join us in exploring and conserving these precious and critical habitats.
We look forward to unveiling a completely redesigned that will improve visitors’ experience and match our new look. We will announce a launch date in early 2021 in future eGrets and on social media. As we transition to the new website, there are bound to be some growing pains: please pardon the appearance of our online donation, membership, and event registration pages during this time. And please let us know if anything fails to function—we always appreciate your feedback.
-Andrew Maas, Communications Manager